Höhe (cm):
15,5Durchmesser (cm):
10,4Volumen (ml):
Stölzle Lausitz
Die Gläserserie "Grandezza" von Stölzle Lausitz bietet spezialisierte Gläser, die genau auf bestimmte Getränke abgestimmt sind. Das "Grandezza" Cognacglas hat einen bauchigen Kelch, in welchem der Cognac ausgiebig geschwenkt werden kann. Der breite Kelchboden und der kurze Stiel ermöglichen es, das Glas in der Handfläche zu halten, falls der Cognac durch Körpertemperatur erwärmt werden soll. Der Kelch wird nach oben hin schmaler und bündelt die Aromen beim Trinken. Stölzle verwendet hochwertiges, brillantes Kristallglas, welches die Farbe des Brandweins schön strahlen lässt.
In diesem Schwenker wird jeder Cognac perfekt zur Schau gestellt. Suchen Sie nicht weiter, denn mit dem "Grandezza" Cognacglas von Stölzle Lausitz haben Sie den perfekten Cognac-Schwenker gefunden!
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Glass manufacturer Stölzle Lausitz GmbH is located in Lausitz, Saxony, a place that offers all the requirements needed for making glassware. Starting in 1889, the glassworks manufactured technical products such as glass tubes and light bulbs, but soon concentrated on hand-blown goblets. Since the 1960s, Stölzle has perfected the mechanical production of beakers and stemmed glasses. Today, Stölzle Lausitz is one of the leading international manufacturers of crystal glass stemware. The company is well established in the field of mechanical production of glass goblets with drawn stems. Stölzle's machine-made glasses even compete with some hand-made glasses in terms of quality. It's no wonder that restaurateurs and sommeliers around the world trust in the reliable and break-resistant glass products from Stölzle Lausitz.
Glass manufacturer Stölzle Lausitz GmbH is located in Lausitz, Saxony, a place that offers all the requirements needed for making glassware. Starting in 1889, the glassworks manufactured technical products such as glass tubes and light bulbs, but soon concentrated on hand-blown goblets. Since the 1960s, Stölzle has perfected the mechanical production of beakers and stemmed glasses. Today, Stölzle Lausitz is one of the leading international manufacturers of crystal glass stemware. The company is well established in the field of mechanical production of glass goblets with drawn stems. Stölzle's machine-made glasses even compete with some hand-made glasses in terms of quality. It's no wonder that restaurateurs and sommeliers around the world trust in the reliable and break-resistant glass products from Stölzle Lausitz.